Oct 6, 2013

Every once in a while - 100 words UBC Day-6

Every once in a while
I look around and smile.
Think of times we spend
And nights that went

Every once in a while
I sit down and write
Small sentenced poems
And jumbled up proses

Every once in a while
I just think of you
My mistakes and wrongs
How you made me strong

Every once in a while
I like to reflect
Jot down experiences
And a few dreams

Every once in a while
I like to explore
Sit and decorate
And modernize you.

Every once in a while
I open my heart
Here is a secret
I love you my blog.

100 Words on Saturday - Write Tribe

Above poem is based on prompt - Every once in a while, and I don't know why I linked it up to my blog.

Linking it to UBC Day 6. For those, who have been following my story, sorry - it will come up tomorrow.


  1. delicately penned love letter to your blog :D ... i love mine to btw :)

  2. I think every blogger will relate to your poem. :) Good take on the prompt.

  3. Ah! The love of my life too these days! :D

  4. Awww!! That's so sweet!! I have similar thoughts and feelings for my blog too :)

  5. This is awesome. How much we all the release to our creative passions our blogs give us and the friends that it draws to us. Loved your poem, it was magical. ♥

  6. Nice one.. I need to "explore, sit, decorate and modernize" Haven't done it in a while. Thanks for the reminder :-).

  7. hey!! good one :) really sweet...

  8. Biggest secret revealed. Keep writing :)

    Someone is Special

  9. What a love letter! Some things are meant to be loved :)

  10. And Every once in a While I like to drop by your Blog to see such lovely lines.. :D

    1. And every once in a while I read these comments and smile.

  11. Wow, what a poem, I cannot say anything that has not already been said in earlier comments to this poem. Loved reading it.

  12. A very good use of the prompt to tell your blog how you feel.:p
    Lovely poem Sugandha.:)

  13. Lovely ya! echoes so well.. :)

  14. Every writer's first love is her writing. You brought out that very poignantly.

  15. Superbly written poem, Sugandha. It is so beautiful and sensitive on how we writers feel:)

  16. Awww it was sooo sweet. I loved it! We all love our blogs :)


  17. Very romantic ;)

    We all are those hopeless lover's of our blogs :)

    1. The only little romance in my life these days is of the one I have with my blog.


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